When programming multi-platform apps, it’s sometimes important to know whether you’re running on a certain type of devices.
This is usually stored in the Capabilities.os string, and BB10 is no different. To check whether you’re on BB10 you can run the following check:
0 1 2 | //Capabilities.os is 'qnx 8.0.0 blackberry 10' var os:String = Capabilities.os.toLowerCase(); var isBB10:Boolean = ( os.indexOf("blackberry") > -1); |
Here’s an example of some production code I use for all devices:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | _deviceName = defaultDevice; var os:String = Capabilities.os.toLowerCase(); if(os.indexOf("playbook") > -1 || os.indexOf("blackberry") > -1){ _deviceName = BLACKBERRY; } else if(os.indexOf("iphone") > -1){ //iPhone OS 4.3.3 iPad2,1 _deviceName = (os.indexOf("ipad") > -1) ? IPAD : IPHONE; } else if(Capabilities.manufacturer.toLowerCase().indexOf("android") > -1 || os.indexOf("android") > -1){ _deviceName = ANDROID; } |