A large part of being a mobile developer is identifying your target platforms, and optimizing for the majority of your users. This can be difficult though, without some stats to indicate how your user base is spread out. Luckily, Unity has released a huge set of statistics for Mobile Devices,...
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Category Archives: Blog
Bardbarian Dev Blog #2!
Over at TreeFortress we’ve put together a massive dev update for our upcoming game Bardbarian. To read all about it, check out the TreeFortress blog! http://treefortress.com/dev-update-2-bardbarian-treefortress/ If you’re not familiar, Bardbarian is an iOS/Android game, built with Adobe AIR and the Starling Framework, and is slated for a Spring/Summer release...
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Fixing Stage3D…
I don’t usually repost blogs here, but I thought it was important to get this out there and increase the visibility as much as possible. With the cancellation of ASNext, Adobe has left the Flash/AIR in an unfortunate spot where the script execution is the prime bottleneck in GPU rendering...
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Please welcome: TreeFortress Games!
I’m happy to announce that I’ve personally joined a new Games Company and it’s called TreeFortress games! This is a really exciting point in my career. I’ll be making games pretty much fulltime, with total creative control! We are hoping to bring some really awesome stuff to a mobile device...
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BB10: Introduction to the Invocation Framework
One of the major new features of BB10 is the ability for Apps to share data with each other. It’s called the Invocation Framework, and you can read all about it in the (slightly jumbled) docs here: https://developer.blackberry.com/air/documentation/bb10/app_integration.html The basic idea is that your app registers for certain events types,...
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Code Snippet: Detecting BB10 Devices in AIR
When programming multi-platform apps, it’s sometimes important to know whether you’re running on a certain type of devices. This is usually stored in the Capabilities.os string, and BB10 is no different. To check whether you’re on BB10 you can run the following check: 0 1 2 //Capabilities.os is 'qnx 8.0.0 blackberry...
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2012 Sales Breakdown – Comparison of App Stores
2012 was by the craziest year I’ve ever had in terms of App Development, while 2011 was lucrative, 2012 was insanity. I released PicShop in February, and it has just exploded into a very successful app across nearly all the app stores. My previous apps, ColorUp and TouchUp have also...
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Adding Blackberry (BB10) Support for FlashBuilder 4.7
If you haven’t heard, BB10 is coming out at the end of the month. In my estimation, this will be far bigger sales event than any new device launch we’ve seen in recent times (Kindle, Nook, Windows 8), so I’m really excited to get my apps on there, and you...
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Dispelling the Myth of ‘Native UI’
As followers of this blog will know, I’m a big believer in the efficiency of cross-platform mobile development using platforms like Adobe AIR. Often, one of the core arguments I hear against using a middleware like AIR, is that user’s want native UI components, and that somehow native controls are...
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Intro to AS3 Workers (Part 4): Fixes for the Release Player
I had intended my previous post to be the final in the AS3 Workers series, but Adobe has made some last-minute changes in the 11.4 Player that I need to address. Specifically, they have pushed back support for ByteArray.shareable to Player 11.5 / AIR 3.5 citing last minute bug reports....
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