Please welcome: TreeFortress Games!

I’m happy to announce that I’ve personally joined a new Games Company and it’s called TreeFortress games!


This is a really exciting point in my career. I’ll be making games pretty much fulltime, with total creative control! We are hoping to bring some really awesome stuff to a mobile device near you soon. The Artist on the project is Mike Gaboury, who is just insanely talented and one of the most hardcore gamers I’ve ever laid eyes on. You can check out more of Mike’s stuff on his tumblr: The entire initiative is supported by my employer and all around great company,

Our first project is coming this Spring, and is called Bardbarian:


I you like what you see, please follow us at our blog, Thanks for stopping by!

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1 Comments to “Please welcome: TreeFortress Games!”

  1. Stephe says:

    Congrats on the new job Shawn,

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